Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout Canada will celebrate Family Day on February 21. Family Day is officially celebrated in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario and Saskatchewan every third Monday in February. Related heritage holidays are celebrated in Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
While families all over Canada often turn to their own traditions on this day, here are a few ideas to make the most of Family Day.
Study Your Family History Together
Because Latter-day Saints believe families can be together forever, building strong family bonds with living relatives and those who have gone before is important. Studying family history, sometimes called genealogy, is a great way to spend time with family and to learn about where we came from.
FamilySearch is a tool to help individuals find their ancestors and learn more about their lives. It has 4,600 local facilities in 126 countries, and anyone can access its resources online for free.

FamilySearch is a great way for families to connect with relatives now and those who paved the way before us.
Create Family History by Making Memories
Each of us is making our own family history in the way we live every day. Use today to strengthen your family ties and build a stronger family for future generations. Spend time together visiting a park, riding bikes, cooking or doing anything else you enjoy as a family.
The Schlenker family celebrates Family Day by spending time together sledding.
Create a Time Capsule
Record what is going on today for your future family to read and learn about what your family’s life is like in 2022. Write down what a normal day looks like. Take pictures. Include the favourite activities you do as a family. Package these things in a box, and write down when your family can open the time capsule.
Connect Virtually
It seems we have all learned to connect better virtually during the pandemic. Thankfully, connecting with family all over the world has become easier than ever. There are many creative ways to connect with family online, from video calls to online games and competitions.

The Jarvis family has been able to stay in touch virtually despite great distances between them during the pandemic.
Send a Card
Consider sending a card or letter to a faraway relative. While we are grateful for the ability to connect instantly, physical tokens of love are a great way to show how much we care about our family members.
Take Family Photos
Taking pictures as a family is a great way to capture life as it is today. Pictures do not need to be taken professionally to be memorable. You can even take a screenshot of a video call if your family is spread over great distances.

Learn About Your Local History
Some provinces also celebrate Heritage Day on the third Monday in February. Learn about your local history, architecture or culture. Plan a visit to a historic site as a family.

Walls family members stand at the entrance of the John Freeman Walls Historic Site and Underground Railroad Museum: (left to right) David, Giovanna, Anna, Bryan and Iris.
In 1995, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issued a proclamation regarding the importance of families called “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” It reads: “Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome recreational activities.” Family Day gives us a great opportunity to focus our families on these standards.
Contributed by Stephanie Schindler
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