News Release

Celebrating the Motherly Contributions of All Women

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate women for their motherly contributions, especially those of strengthening homes, families and communities. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gratefully recognize all women, whether or not they have borne children.


In 1995, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” This proclamation declares and reaffirms doctrines and practices that prophets have repeatedly stated throughout Church history. It specifically states: “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.”

Dolina Smith, a Church member from Scarborough, Ontario, has devoted her life to raising her four children, 20 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren according to these teachings. She says that strong communication is key. As her children were growing, she found that some of the best communication happened while they worked side by side: “Whether we were in the kitchen making cookies or in the workshop making a piece of furniture, skills were learned, memories made and communication happened. Conversations flowed easily when we were assembling a project or sewing a garment.”

Smith continues: “Now the family is much larger and everyone is a long-distance phone call away. But the old-fashioned telephone keeps us connected, as our grandchildren phone for advice on how to make or repair something or to share the satisfaction of a new creation. Talking is the glue that holds families together.”

Loving communication is also important to Gorma Magbollah, a mother and Church member from Toronto, Ontario. Multiple times daily she tells her children, “I will carry you till eternity.” She also finds great value in playing games and dancing with her children. She feels that doing so helps them to develop healthy brains and strengthen family ties.

“Playing and dancing has helped my family to have more interaction with each other,” Magbollah says. “I have noticed the passion and technical skills my children put into every dance move.” She adds that playing games allows her children “to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity and physical, cognitive and emotional strength.”

The ability to mother and nurture children is not unique to those who have borne children. Sister Neill F. Marriott, formerly of the Young Women general presidency, states: “Eve was called a ‘mother’ before she had children. … ‘To mother’ means ‘to give life’ … giving emotional life to the hopeless or spiritual life to the doubter. … All [women] came to earth with these life-giving, nurturing, maternal gifts because that is God’s plan” (“What Shall We Do?” Apr. 2016 general conference).

Sharing maternal gifts brings great enjoyment to Agnes Wong, a Church member from Richmond Hill, Ontario, as she blesses the lives of children in nearly every aspect of her life — she is a devoted aunt, a school teacher and the Primary (children’s organization) president of the Toronto Ontario Stake.

Wong feels that women can greatly help children understand their worth. “Children cannot help but feel their intrinsic worth when they get frequent, regular and dependable doses of our time,” she says. “When I play with them, laugh with them, talk with them and serve them, I hope they can feel some measure of the Saviour’s love for His little ones.”

The maternal instincts of women help create an environment in which all can grow, feel safe and be loved. President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles affirms: “There is nothing in this world as personal, as nurturing, or as life changing as the influence of a righteous woman. … All women have within their divine nature both the inherent talent and the stewardship to mother” (“Mothers and Daughters,” Apr. 2010 general conference).

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