Identified by black name badges as missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, over 74,000 missionaries have answered the call to serve wherever they are sent.
These missionaries teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, provide community and humanitarian service, fund their own missions, put their education on hold and are unpaid. They focus their time on serving the Lord and their fellow beings.
- Missionary Ince 2
- Missionary Ince 1
- Missionary Nakale 3
- Missionary Nakale 1
- Missionary Nakale 2
- Missionary Evershed 3
- Missionary Evershed 1
- Missionary Evershed 4
- Missionary Evershed 2
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
The Ince Family
Before their marriage, Glen and Leona Ince of Kitchener, Ontario, each served missions. All five of their children have either completed missions or are in the process, with the last four serving at one time. Leona said, “I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. There comes a time when children can no longer rely on the beliefs of their parents. They have developed testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His infinite love for all His children. Sharing that knowledge on a mission is the fastest way for that testimony to grow.”
On a wall in the Ince home is a “missionary family tree” that includes pictures of all family members who have served or are currently serving full-time missions for the Church, including Leona’s parents.
The Nakale Family
All members of the Nakale family were baptized in 2009 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo before moving to the Toronto area. A son, Lee, recently began his mission in Vancouver, British Columbia. In weekly emails to his parents, he expresses his love for the people in the area and his joy in serving the Lord, often sharing experiences about those he is teaching about the Saviour.
“Our family, as well as Elder Nakale, receives great blessings because of his sacrifice and decision to serve the Lord Jesus Christ,” said Getruth, Elder Nakale’s mother. “We see him growing spiritually and emotionally. He has so much joy. Elder Nakale wants to show the Lord he owes Him so much and loves Him.” Lee’s brother David is now also preparing for missionary service.
The Evershed Family
On August 14, Seth and Jared Evershed, the two sons of Jonathan and Helga Evershed (themselves having served full-time missions for the Church in Italy and Australia, respectively), spoke in their Toronto, Ontario, sacrament meeting.
Having just returned from his two-year mission in Ecuador, Seth explained how the experience changed him: “It helped me to look outward instead of just inward, to try to look at the needs of others before my own.”
Seth shared an experience teaching a young man living in a crime-filled sector on the outskirts of a large city in Ecuador who was involved with some very powerful drugs. As he and his missionary companion taught the principle of repentance and its power to change the lives of those who apply it, “the Spirit filled the room,” said Seth. He continued, “[The young man] repented, and after a period of time was baptized. To this day, he is a faithful priesthood holder and is constantly sharing this gospel with his friends and family. Conversion is beautiful.”
For the duration of his mission, a life-sized cardboard figure of Seth stood in the Evershed living room. The figure will now be changed to that of his younger brother, Jared, and will be there for the next two years.
Jared entered the missionary training center in Guatemala on August 17 to begin training for his two-year mission in Honduras. While preparing for his mission, he said, “The most important things I did were reading the Book of Mormon, praying regularly and keeping close to Heavenly Father.” During his talk on August 14, Jared spoke of his wish to share what he has found to be true — his testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Along with teaching others about Jesus Christ and His gospel, Mormon missionaries provide at least 10 hours of community service each week. In times of disaster, their service becomes full-time.
Jesus Christ taught His followers, “Verily, I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).
Contributed by Joanne Lau