Clayton Christensen, renowned Harvard professor, author and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, recently shared his innovation insights with entrepreneurs and government, business and education leaders in Nova Scotia.
- Clayton Christensen
- Clayton Christensen visits Dalhousie University
- Clayton Christensen visits Dalhousie University
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Management hosted Dr. Christensen’s lecture “Innovation and You” as one in a series of master classes to MBA candidates, BCom summer students, entrepreneurs, Dalhousie staff and alumni in addition to other business and educational leaders. About 265 students and leaders were attentive to the stories, diagrams and historical comparisons regarding the benefits of disruptive innovation.
Comments heard outside the auditorium centred on two pervasive themes: changing the way we think about things and focusing on “the job to be done.”
Provincial political party leaders Jamie Baillie (Progressive Conservative) and Stephen McNeil (Liberal) met privately with Christensen to discuss innovation ideas that could benefit Nova Scotia. Christensen also met with Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Ramona Jennex at the provincial education office in Halifax.
At the local Church meetinghouse, Christensen shared some of the critical spiritual events in his life and the steps he and his wife, Christine, took to become everyday missionaries.
Local Church representative Anna Davidson said, “It was delightful … to spend these two days with Clayton and Christine Christensen and share in their intellectual and spiritual awesomeness.”
Latter-day Saints regularly offer service and coordinate projects that bring members of the community together to share knowledge and expertise while building on common interests.