News Release

President Holland Rededicates the Toronto Ontario Temple

The Apostle urges Canadian Saints to rededicate themselves to “the promises of Christlike living”

President Jeffrey R. Holland, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, rededicated the Toronto Ontario Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, March 23, 2025.

“Today we are happy to break the lock on the Toronto Ontario Temple and its grounds, to have what we pray will be a continuous flow of faithful recommend holders in this renewed opportunity now open to us,” the Apostle said. “Today, may we not ‘go through the temple,’ but may we have the temple ‘go through us.’”

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Just before offering the rededicatory prayer, President Holland urged Canadian Saints to rededicate themselves to “the promises of Christlike living.”

In the prayer, the Apostle pledged “our best effort to improve, to be more kind and clean, and to remember that Christlike behavior should be evident in those who take upon themselves His name.”

President Holland also noted that he was praying “in the magnificent name of the Lord Jesus Christ, He who was the Babe of Bethlehem and the Child of Nazareth, He who was the Good Shepherd who went after the lonely sheep that wandered, He who is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all our hopes and dreams. We pray that we can give something to Him because He gave everything to us.”

In an interview after the rededication, President Holland expressed gratitude for an improvement in his health that allowed him to participate.

“I felt great. I am so happy with some improvement in my health, or at least in my movement and the conditions of my health,” President Holland said. “I was very, very happy about that and happy to be back in Toronto.”

“I love President Holland. It was a beautiful moment,” said Odette Yu, a local Latter-day Saint who has served in the Toronto Ontario Temple for more than a decade. “It was my first time being in the dedicatory session. It was everything and more than I expected. The temple felt different. We’ve been here during construction. We’ve been here for the open house. But it was different when the dedication took place. We could feel there was a difference in the temple.”

“This was probably the most powerful experience inside the temple [we’ve had],” added her husband, Steven. “We can hardly wait to serve the Lord here in His holy house.”

The renovation of the 5,010-square-metre (55,000-square-foot) temple began in October 2023 and lasted until December 2024. The scope included interior reconfigurations and improvements to meet increased patron demand and increase accessibility. A major upgrade of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems was also completed.

A public open house was held from February 13 through March 8, 2025. Now that the Toronto Ontario Temple is dedicated, access inside is limited to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who hold a current temple recommend.

The temple is located at 10060 Bramalea Road in Brampton, Ontario. It was announced on April 7, 1984, and was dedicated by President Gordon B. Hinckley August 25–27, 1990. At that time, the temple served all Latter-day Saints in Eastern Canada. It was the second temple built in the country and is one of 11 houses of the Lord announced, under construction or in operation in Canada. The other temples are in Calgary, Cardston, Edmonton, Halifax, Lethbridge, Montreal, Regina, Vancouver, Victoria and Winnipeg.

Today, there are more than 200,000 Latter-day Saints in Canada, with 55,000 Church members in Ontario. During the renovation, these Church members travelled to Montreal, Quebec; Detroit, Michigan; or Palmyra, New York, to worship in a temple.

“It’s far [away],” said James Anampio, who has been visiting the house of the Lord in Palmyra. “Now it will be more exciting to come [to the temple] on a regular basis. It’s a blessing, a beautiful blessing that the house of the Lord is so close to us.”

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