For over 10 years, a small group of Mormons has made a difference in the lives of hundreds of members in their community and also benefited friends and families in foreign lands. A free clothing exchange held every two or three months at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ chapel in Brockville, Ontario, has people lining up before the doors open at 11:00 a.m.
Inclement weather was no deterrent on Tuesday, November 22, 2016, as people often travel an hour to enjoy the camaraderie and good spirit. All items are free; the only rule being that they cannot be resold. Clothing has been sent or taken to families in Chernobyl and Cuba. Pictures of Jesus are often included for the children.
- Brockville woman with coat and shoes
- Brockville guys
- Brockville Karen Pruner with Grateful Patron
- Hamilton Birthright 5 Women
- Hamilton Birthright donations
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
One volunteer told how this service is fine-tuned to meet the needs of “the one.” A gentleman in his 80s called to say he was unable to come to the church because he had to be home to accept his Meals on Wheels. The doors were opened early, just for him.
When there is need for a particular item, a note is made, and when that item is donated, the person is called and it is set-aside until the next exchange. In the past, someone needed sheets and blankets because of a house fire; the items were kept for that person, and upon pickup, she came with a donation of two bags of baby clothes.
By following the admonition of Jesus Christ to serve one another, the impact of this ongoing, selfless giving is felt within the Church, the community and the surrounding area. Another local church is now offering the same service.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counsellor in the First Presidency of the Church, said, “As we extend our hands and hearts toward others in Christlike love, something wonderful happens to us. Our own spirits become healed, more refined, and stronger. We become happier, more peaceful, and more receptive to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit” (“You Are My Hands,” April 2010 general conference).
Such feelings were also evident four hours west of Brockville during a Women’s Day service project in Hamilton, Ontario, on November 5, 2016, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. An almost-year-long collection of 10,000 diapers and 8,000 baby wipes was donated to Birthright of Hamilton, a non-denominational organization offering support to women with unplanned or stressful pregnancies. Pink and blue flannel baby hats were also made that day and included in the donation.
God often meets the needs of others through our small acts of service.