Newsroom staff recently sat down with Elder Dominic R. Sénéchal, who was named a member of the Tenth Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the April 2023 general conference. He is responsible for the North America Northeast Area, Montreal co-ordinating council. He and his wife, Marie-Lyne Lallemant, were invited to share their thoughts about Mother’s Day.

What important lessons did you learn from your mother?
Elder Sénéchal: One of the lessons I’ve learned from my mother is how important it is to serve in the kingdom [of God]. She was always ready to accept any assignment from the Lord, no matter the circumstance of her life. She knew that through her service, our family would be blessed.
Sister Lallemant: My mother taught me that love is the most important thing. Love for my Saviour, love for my family, love for my friend, love for my neighbour and even those whom it’s more difficult to love. All my life, I saw her love everyone around her through service and good words. I have felt her love, and through her, I have felt the love of my Heavenly Father.
As parents of five children, tell us how you mark Mother’s Day in your home?
Elder Sénéchal: In our home, Mother’s Day is always a good opportunity to gather as a family in unity to mark this very special and unique day. During dinner, everyone will take a moment to express their love and appreciation for their mother, and me, for my wife.
What message would you like to share with mothers on this day?
Elder Sénéchal and Sister Lallemant: No one expects you to be perfect. They will see you try and fail, laugh and cry, be brave and weak. You will make mistakes and ask for forgiveness, overreact when you should have listened, and you will probably close your eyes at night knowing that you could have done better. You are loved just the way you are — imperfect and flawed. Your kids don’t need you on a pedestal; they need you right beside them living life together, supporting one another and accepting each other exactly as you are. They need to feel your love and the love of your Heavenly Father through you. You are enough; you are doing well. You are not alone in this sacred role. You can always ask for help and know that Heavenly Father will be there. He loves you, and you are his precious child.
Not everyone has had the chance to be a mother. Others have not had a strong relationship with their own mothers. Do you have any words of counsel for those who might struggle with Mother’s Day?
Elder Sénéchal and Sister Lallemant: While Mother’s Day is a sweet celebration for many people, it can be a day that brings a lot of grief, pain and anger for others. Instead of being a fun experience, the days leading up to Mother’s Day can feel dark and lonely. If you struggle with Mother’s Day, please find joy in remembering that Jesus Christ’s atonement can also heal you from grief, pain and anger. God knows you. He knows what you are going through. He will listen and comfort you if you let Him.