Canada Newsroom staff recently sat down with Elder Robert W. Mendenhall and his wife, Sister Dixie Cahoon Mendenhall. Elder Mendenhall was named an Area Seventy and a member of the Tenth Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the April 2023 general conference. He is responsible for the North America Central Area, Edmonton and Winnipeg co-ordinating councils. The Mendenhalls were invited to share their thoughts on Family Day, which was first celebrated in Canada in Alberta in 1990.

Elder Robert W. Mendenhall and Sister Dixie Cahoon Mendenhall share their thoughts on Thanksgiving. Elder Mendenhall was named an Area Seventy for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in April 2023. He is responsible for the North America Central Area, Edmonton and Winnipeg co-ordinating councils. 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.How have you celebrated Family Day in the past?
Sister Mendenhall: When our children were still living at home, we would let them take turns choosing the activity each year. A few activities that come to mind are skiing, bowling and going to movies.
Elder Mendenhall: Since our children have left home, we probably haven’t been quite as structured with our activities as we used to be. However, we do always take the time to be together, even if it’s just staying home and playing table games or watching a movie.
What are some of your best traditions for strengthening your family?
Elder Mendenhall: The answer to this question would definitely be the basics, like family prayer, family scripture study and family home evening. These events are good, even better than other activities we might choose. The best activities are ones that focus on Jesus Christ.
Sister Mendenhall: We have also placed a priority on eating meals together, taking vacations together and even completing work projects together.
What advice do you have for people who want to create or strengthen their family ties?
Sister Mendenhall: One idea that comes to mind would be to find hobbies or talents that you can enjoy together, and make that your family’s “thing.” Some families we know have made skiing their “thing.” Other families are game players, and still others are trivia experts. For us, we enjoy attending musical theatre productions together, especially when we’re supporting one of our own family members.
Elder Mendenhall: Another suggestion would be to remember that we have covenanted to follow our Saviour’s example of how we treat others. This includes our own family members. We might ask ourselves the following questions:
Are we trying to make our words kind?
Are we striving to be patient with each other?
Are we willing to forgive each other?
Are we looking for opportunities to serve other family members?
Are we showing empathy and concern when family members are experiencing difficult situations?
Are we praying for family members on a regular basis?
If any thoughts popped into your mind as you considered the answer to these questions, then act on them. We believe that those feelings come from the Holy Ghost. These thoughts are precious, personal revelation for you.
What words of counsel would you give to people who are estranged from or do not currently have a good relationship with their family members?
Elder Mendenhall: As we’ve been counselled by living prophets and apostles, Jesus Christ is the answer to our questions. As we interact with family members, let’s speak of Christ, His goodness and the goodness we see in the world. As we do those things, we’ll encourage ourselves and our family members to do good and follow His ways.
Sister Mendenhall: We should be trying our best to build up one another and be peacemakers as President Russell M. Nelson has invited: “My dear brothers and sisters, the best is yet to come for those who spend their lives building up others. Today I invite you to examine your discipleship within the context of the way you treat others. I bless you to make any adjustments that may be needed so that your behavior is ennobling, respectful, and representative of a true follower of Jesus Christ” (“Peacemakers Needed,” April 2023).
Are there any other messages you would like to share about families?
Elder and Sister Mendenhall: Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, place a great priority on our responsibilities to our families. In fact, our responsibilities have often been referred to by our prophets and other Church leaders as our “sacred duty.”
Our wish is that we will all show love to our families. By doing so, we can deepen our understanding of our love for God and our role in His family. He wants us to be like Him and to live with Him as His children, refined by our experiences and saved by His Son.