On Sunday, October 16, 2022, President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spoke at a devotional for Church members and their friends in Canada’s westernmost provinces of British Columbia and Alberta.
Broadcast from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, President Nelson was accompanied by his wife, Wendy Watson Nelson, and by Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Ruth Renlund.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Sister Nelson spoke about growing up in southern Alberta and how she appreciated her Canadian roots. She also spoke of some truths she has learned since being married to President Nelson for over 16 years: “I know more than ever that what President Nelson says is what the Lord [Jesus Christ] would have him say. President Nelson is the Lord’s prophet: chosen, prepared and instructed by Him.”
President Nelson called Canada “a seedbed of faithful Saints from the earliest days of the Restoration.”
He told the many Saints watching the broadcast in chapels and online throughout Alberta and British Columbia that we all have a divine birthright. “As sons and daughters of God,” he said, “we are endowed with a divine, royal birthright. We have the potential of inheriting all the Father has.”
President Nelson offered six steps to help one progress from being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
First, he advised those listening to increase their capacity to receive revelation.
Second, President Nelson counselled the Saints to fill their lives with truth. He also taught that people need to be more discerning about how and where they look for truth.
The third step is to refuse to let opposition to truth weaken one’s testimony. President Nelson said opposition can come in challenging ways.
Fourth, he encouraged the members to serve and worship in the temples of the Lord Jesus Christ. With 169 operating temples and 131 more in design or under construction, President Nelson said, “We are promised that when we emerge from the temple, we are endowed with the Lord’s power!”
The fifth step to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ, President Nelson told the members, is to realize “how vital [they] are to the gathering of Israel.”
The sixth and final step is to expect joy. President Nelson said, “True joy comes by living in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
The Nelsons and Renlunds, accompanied by the area presidents over Alberta and British Columbia and their wives, had planned to personally attend the devotional in Lethbridge, Alberta. Instead, because of unexpected transportation issues, they broadcast their talks from Salt Lake City.
Area Seventy David C. Stewart said, “Our hearts broke when we found out that there were problems that prevented President and Sister Nelson and the Renlunds from coming to Canada. But it actually turned out really well. Instead of it being a ticketed event, it became an event that anyone could attend.”
The distance, however, did not stop the Nelsons’ messages from being felt. Fourteen-year-old Zachary Wolff of Cranbrook, British Columbia, said, “When I was called spiritual royalty, I felt uplifted and important.”
In Grande Prairie, Alberta, Jennifer Broadhead watched with her family. “One of the messages I took from President Nelson’s comments was that despite our challenges, we can still feel joy when we live in harmony with the gospel. When the road gets rough, as we know it will, I find comfort in knowing that joy comes from following Jesus Christ.
John Strachan of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, said, “I really enjoyed watching the devotional of President Nelson. The talks felt more personal, as if they were in my home. It felt as though the talks were directed to me.”
Eighteen-year-old Reese Walters of Stirling, Alberta, is getting ready to serve a mission in Guatemala. He said, “As I pondered the words which were shared today, I was impressed to live my life in a way that’s more receptive to the Spirit and to receiving personal revelation, to get off my phone so that I can always be on call with the Lord.”
Sixteen-year-old Luca McMullin of Edmonton, Alberta, said, “The Prophet’s invitation to seek truth through applying a gospel lens to my life was very meaningful. I am grateful for President Nelson’s inspired, specific revelation for the Saints in Alberta and British Colombia.”
Contributed by Eileen Bell, Canada Communication Council
Read the article in French.